Publications and Websites

Cornell University

Cornell University faculty and staff - A list of personnel working with grapes, grape juice and wine research and education

Cornell University Enology and Viticulture Program

Cornell Fruit Resources - Grapes

Cornell University Enology and Viticulture Undergraduate and Graduate Program

NY Grape and Wine Classifieds - listing of grapes and wine for sale

eViticulture - an interactive learning website utilizing research from land-grant Universities across the United States. It provides articles on all aspects of grape growing as well as a chance to "ask the experts". Geared more towards beginning grape growers.

Viticulture & enology across the U.S.

The Finger Lakes Grape Program

Lake Erie Regional Grape Program

Penn State Grape and Wine Production – Our neighbors in PA have an excellent research and extension program.

VAES Virginia Ag Research & Extension Center

Viticulture and Enology at University of California Davis

Viticulture books

Wine Grape Production Guide for Eastern North America - Edited by Virginia Tech Viticulturist Dr. Tony Wolf with contributions from other extension and research personnel.  Available for purchase at The Cornell Store.

Wine Grapes - MW Jancis Robinson and colleagues have compiled a beautiful, informative treatise on wine grape varieties from across the world. Harper Collins, 2012.

Sunlight Into Wine - Australian viticulturists Richard Smart and Mike Robinson explore the nuances of  wine grape canopy management. Written in 1991 but still relevant today.

Viticultural publications can be purchased through services such as Amazon and Practical Winery and Vineyard Bookshelf.


Long Island Fruit & Vegetable Update - The local technical newsletter, reports are sent weekly to vegetable, grape, potato and fruit growers every Thursday from the first week in April until the middle of September. To subscribe use the online  LI Fruit & Vegetable subscription form or call 631.727.7850 x 341.

Suffolk County Agricultural News - This monthly publication is the merged publication of the Suffolk County Agricultural News and Long Island Horticulture News. It covers all aspects of agriculture and horticulture, including ornamental horticulture. To subscribe use the online Suffolk County Agricultural News subscription form or call 631.727.7850 x 341.

Veraison to Harvest - fruit ripening and harvest reports from across NY state.

Appellation Cornell - news and updates on Cornell grape and wine programs.

Pest management

Compendium of Grape Diseases, 2nd ed. - a must have for commercial grape growers. Available for purchase from APS Press

New York State Integrated Pest Management Program

NY & PA Pest Management Guidelines - Hard copies are available for purchase from The Cornell Store.

NYS IPM Grape Fact Sheets

Virginia Grape Disease Update - Dr. Mizuho Nita, the grape pathologist at Virginia Tech's AHS Agricultural Research and Extension Center (AREC) at Winchester VA, maintains a blog updating Virginia grape growers on disease issues throughout the growing season.

Ontario GrapeIPM - includes pest identification keys

Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect pest that can devastate winegrape vineyards. Those with an existing vineyard or interested in planting a commercial vineyard should peruse these websites for more information.

PennState Extension - Spotted Lanternfly

New York State Integrated Pest Management - Spotted Lanternfly

New York State Department of Ag and Markets - Spotted Lanternfly

Vineyard soil and floor management

Alternative Weed Management in New York Vineyards

Cornell Soil Health Laboratory - This lab provides a comprehensive analysis of agricultural soils beyond just nutrient analysis. See the website for more details.

Sustainable, organic and biodynamic information

Long Island Sustainable Winegrowing

Vinebalance - NYS Sustainable Viticulture Program

2021 Production Organic Production and IPM Guide for Grapes -This guide for organic grape production is an outline of cultural and pest management practices and includes topics that have an impact on improving plant health and reducing pest problems. Note that these techniques should be vetted by an experienced vineyard manager before implementing in a Long Island vineyard.

Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing - California's first sustainable program

Oregon LIVE - Low Input Viticulture and Enology (sustainable viticulture program)

CA Central Coast Vineyard Team - SIP or Sustainability in Practice program

California Sustainable Winegrowing Program - CA's statewide program 

University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

Demeter USA - Source of information and certifier for biodynamics


Alice Wise
Viticulture Research

Last updated January 12, 2022