puffer fish
Image by Tracy Marcus


SFEC sign
Image by Tracy Marcus

Sport Fishing Education Center & Aquatic Facility

kids seining
Image by Tracy Marcus

Seining at the beach

Spring & Summer Programs

Download registration form here

Marine Reptiles and their Land-Based Buddies for Pre-schoolers

Discover what makes a reptile a reptile and what adaptations these creatures have to help them survive in some of the world’s most unique environments. Reptiles from marine environments are covered, along with some of their counterparts from the land. Touch and explore live reptiles and preserved artifacts. Make an awesome herp craft to take home! Pre-registration is required and Space is limited, so register early!

Fishy Facts for Pre-schoolers

Come explore the world of fish in this interactive program and make a fun, fishy craft with your child to take home!

Jr. Marine Biologist for Pre-schoolers

Looking for a unique way to spend time with your preschooler? Join us for a fun-filled two hours as you and your child learn about the marine environment. This very special program includes hands-on time with live marine animals, beach activities, and a craft. This is a great way to introduce your child to marine ecology! Space is Limited, pre-registration required!

Marine Reptiles and their Land-Based Buddies

Discover what makes a reptile a reptile and what adaptations these creatures have to help them survive in some of the world’s most unique environments. Reptiles from marine environments are covered, along with some of their terrestrial counterparts. Live reptiles that we may have for petting include a ball python, corn snake, bearded dragon, leopard gecko and a diamondback terrapin. We will have preserved sea turtle artifacts. Make a cold-blooded critter to bring home! Pre-registration Required! Space is limited! This is a drop-off program.

Spring Beach Walk

Come and explore the beautiful sandy beaches of Long Island’s Peconic Bay with us! We’ll look for marine creatures that call the salt marsh and bay beaches home, and learn some fun facts about them. Make sure to dress for the weather as we’ll be walking outdoors for 1.5 hours. Weather permitting. Pre-registration is required and Space is limited, so register early! This is a drop-off program and will run Rain or shine.

Download registration form here



Tracy Marcus
Marine Youth Education Specialist

Last updated June 25, 2020