SNAP-Ed brochure picture
SNAP-Ed flyer 2021 image
anthony food truck

Manning the Mobile Farmers Market.

MyPlate in the classroom

Educating youngsters about MyPlate.

classroom education

Young children participating in a lesson about making healthy choices.

ESNY educator discussing nutrition with program participant

Discussing nutrition with a program participant.

food prep with kids

Cooking healthy with kids.

Demonstration table

Making soup in a slow cooker.

SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education

SNAP-Ed is funded through the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) New York State, is one of the fifty states that administer a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) program. Cornell University Cooperative Extensions are one of leading local partners that house and support the SNAP-Ed Nutrition program.

Cornell Cooperative Extension is one of the oldest and a leader in New York State's nutrition education programs for low-income families. This unique educational service is designed to prevent obesity and reduce long-term chronic disease risks. The program is designed to encourage healthy eating habits and physically active lifestyles with the goal of promoting health through science-based Nutrition Education.

By utilizing nutrition education materials and specialized food demonstrations in our Nutrition Education Workshops, SNAP-Ed works to ensure that low-income families:

  • Eat more nutritious foods by increasing the consumption of Fruits & Vegetables
  • Make the most of their Food Dollars
  • Reduce the consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
  • Increase Physical Activity and Balance Calories consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle

SNAP-Ed offers custom-tailored nutrition education for your community group and/or agency. Workshops offer recipe demonstrations highlighting seasonal fruits and vegetables and other items found in your pantry.

What takes place during an SNAP-Ed class?

Learning through SNAP-Ed hands-on. Program participants can prepare, cook and taste a variety of different foods. They will have an opportunity to share food budgeting tips that work for them and their families. Educators will utilize videos, handouts and other materials to reinforce the active learning process. Every Eat Smart New York program participant receives a free computer food intake analysis which provides data for the nutrition educator to customize the content of each class session. Everyone who participates in at least 6 classes receives a certificate.

SNAP-Ed classes are also available in Spanish.

Farmers' Markets - "Buy Local"

The Farmers' Market Nutrition Program is a collaboration of the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), NYS Office for the Aging (SOFA), and Cornell University Cooperative Extension (CCE).

Cornell's FMNP goal is to support local Farmers' Markets and enhance the food security of low-income consumers. Together we strive to:

  • Promote the health/well-being of nutritionally at-risk audiences
  • Encourage WIC Mothers and low-income Seniors to buy at Farmers' Markets
  • Support the development of Farmers' Markets as an important component of Sustainable Communities

FMNP strengthens farmers' markets and increases access among participants of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, ( WIC) and Seniors. FMNP checks provide additional food resources to purchase fresh produce (locally grown) at their local Farmers' Market.

Check our website: CCE of Suffolk County for a listing of Farmers' Markets in Suffolk County accepting FMNP Vouchers including: WIC, Seniors, and EBT/SNAP card. Our CCE Nutrition Educators are at available at most markets answering questions and distributing recipes. Stop by to chat with one of them!

Shop the Farmers' Market with EBT Benefits - Learn how easy it is to use your EBT card at the Farmers Market. (video)


Karen Ball
Senior Nutritionist
631-727-7850 x 332

Last updated January 8, 2025