container gardens

The garden at Bethany House will be maintained by staff and volunteers.

ESNY educator manning a display area inside a local business

ReThink Your Drink information was handed out along with nutrition tips and healthy recipes.

ESNY educator manning a display area outside of a local business

Food tastings were offered along with recipes to promote decreasing sugary beverages.


Sucess Stories


A Hands on Approach to Eating Smart Being Active

There are many challenges for those living with vision loss. “Helen Keller’s mission is to enable individuals who are blind, deafblind, have low vision or combined vision and hearing loss to live, work and thrive in their community of choice.”


Get a Taste for Nutrition with our Fruit & Vegetables Prescription

The lack of economic access to healthy foods such as fresh produce, leads to socioeconomic inequalities in diet quality and increase chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease & obesity. Consuming a diet high in vegetables and fruit can lead to a healthy lifestyle.


Oak Park Challenges Students to Eat Healthy

Last month, ESNY nutritionists hosted a Healthy Snack Challenge at the Oak Park Elementary School, Brentwood. During indoor recess, students were given access to websites that encouraged physical activity. 


Healthy Pantry Makeover Inspires Healthy Community

For nearly 5 years, ESNY Nutritionists have been interacting at the St. Hugh of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church Food Pantry, sharing tips on healthy food choices that are lower in sodium, sugar and fat and conducting lessons on MyPlate.


Creating a Sustainable Youth Garden with our Faithful Family Partner

Our Savior Lutheran Church and School, Centereach. Key Goal: To decrease the incidence of obesity and other diseases by educating on the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption and encouraging physical activity.


Little Chefs Project Re-Cap & Success Summer 2018

Eat Smart New York Senior Nutritionist, Amy Bly, received notification this past spring that the Little Chefs project had been approved and funded by the Education Foundation for Suffolk County Extension, Inc.


Planting Seeds for a Healthy Lifestyle

Eat Smart New York Long Island (ESNYLI) educators Amy Bly and Scenquetta Dixon have been working with Laurel Park Elementary School since the spring of 2015.


Twin Pines Elementary School- Brentwood School District

Since the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, the staff at Twin Pines Elementary School in Brentwood has been working really hard to implement new health and wellness initiatives; and how far they have come since then.


Taking Healthy to a Higher Level

The goal of this initiative is to reduce the onset of obesity and certain diseases by teaching principles of healthy eating and encouraging physical activity.


A fun and exciting day to kick off the Walking/Activity Challenge

Freezing temperatures outside did not hinder the congregation members of the Community Nazarene Church in Wyandanch from making the choice to be more physically active.


Employee Wellness Program Inspires Healthy Lifestyle

Rogers Memorial Library, Southampton. In January 2017, Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Suffolk County Eat Smart New York Long Island (ESNYLI) welcomed the Rogers Memorial Library as a healthy partner agency.


NYS Master Food Preserver Training

The Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Home Food Preservation Expert Team presented the New York State Master Food Preserver training workshop to 16 CCE Eat Smart New York Long Island (ESNYLI) nutrition educators.


Walking Your Way to Good Health

Eat Smart New York Long Island (ESNYLI) nutrition educator, Amy Bly, in partnership with the Central Islip (CI) Public Library and Stony Brook medicine has successfully started a worksite wellness program for all library staff at the CI Library.


Bethany House in Roosevelt

In June of 2015, Anum Sheraz, SNAP-Ed Eat Smart New York (ESNY) nutrition program educator, visited the Bethany House in Roosevelt to conduct a series of nutrition workshops with their residents.


“Farm to Table” Increases Vegetable Consumption

Bridgehampton School | Summer Camp 2016. Why Focus On Vegetables. Motivated by evidence linking increased vegetable consumption to a lower risk of heart disease...


Small Changes, Making a Big Fat Difference

"I had no idea how much sugar was in my soda", "After taking this class, I know how to read the food label to calculate how much sugar is in what I eat" and "I'm disgusted at knowing how much fat I've been eating and plan to eat more fruits and vegetables"


East End Family Iron Chef

In recognition of National Food Day on October 24th, Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Suffolk County coordinated the East End Family Iron Chef Cook Off event this past weekend at the Riverhead Charter School in Calverton, NY.


Iron Chef Cook-Off Event

On Saturday May 21, 2016, Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Suffolk County partnered with the Central Islip Civic Council, 4H, Island Harvest and Whole Foods to conduct a Family Iron Chef community- cook-off event at the Central Islip High School.


Cultivating a Healthy Culture of Wellness

Long Term Focus On Health and Physical Activity. One never knows the impact that will be realized down the road by taking small steps to foster a healthy work environment.


Family Friendly Fun at the Freeport Laundromat

JULY 6th KICK OFF EVENT. It was a fun time for people of all ages during a recent Eat Smart New York (ESNY) healthy laundromat kick off event.


Making Laundry Fun at the Laundry Kingdom

On July 15, 2016, a wellness kick- off event was coordinated at the Laundry Kingdom in Patchogue. Nutritionist, Gerry Lake, from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County and Nutrition Educator, Seema Uppal presented the ReThink Your Drink ...


Mega Fun at Mega Wash

Those who decided to do their laundry at the Mega Wash in North Babylon on July 9th, 2016 got an unexpected surprise while doing their laundry.


Cooking Matters for Young Adults in Rehabilitation Center

Phoenix House: Adolescent Residential Center. Preparing and Sharing Healthy Recipes. This past June, Marta Blanco, Bilingual Nutritionist, with Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County took on the challenge.


Tower Garden

Milton Olive Middle School Wyandanch. A new addition to the MLO main office arrived this past April. The Tower Garden, an indoor, vertical, aeroponic, organic garden. I


What A Difference Food Demonstration and Tastings Make

Last Spring, I contacted Pamela Bicket, the Springs food pantry director of operations. This pantry serves on average between 140-150 families per year within the Springs School District, East Hampton.


Linda Altenburger
Sr Nutritionist, SNAP-Ed; Program Mgr. Diabetes / Human Development
631-727-7850 x 331

Last updated May 30, 2024