Presented by the Empowering Families Collaborative.
Join us for FREE educational programs for parents to learn valuable information to promote and understand youth mental health.
Caring for Yourself in Stressful Times Caring for oneself means taking time to do things for our own mental, emotional, and physical health. Often, we forget about self-care as we become stressed or overwhelmed, just when we need it most. Caring for oneself allows us to be more resilient and better manage stress, allowing us to do a better job of meeting our responsibilities. During this program we will review reactions to stress, introduce strategies for stress management, and offer suggestions for self-care. Tuesday, June 18, 6:30-7:30pm
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Thursday, July 25, 2024, 10-11am
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Talking to Kids about Difficult (and Scary) Things When our kids come to us with questions about the challenging things happening in our world today, it’s not always easy to find the right words to say. Sometimes the struggle is knowing that many of these things are out of our control and defy explanation. This workshop will offer age specific information and strategies to help discuss difficult topics, especially in this digital age. Thursday, June 20, 10-11am
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Recognizing and Managing Anxiety in Youth Anxiety has been on the rise over the past decade. It is not always easy to recognize the difference between normal worries and anxiety disorders in children and teens. This workshop helps parents explore the definition of anxiety and how to distinguish anxiety from normal worries. Parents will learn practical parenting tips to support their children and build emotional resilience. Monday, July 8, 10-11am
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Cultivating Resilient Teens Teenagers today face many stressors. As such, the number of adolescents reporting poor mental health has been on the rise. In this workshop, participants will learn strategies to help parents untangle and support their teenagers’ emotional lives. Parents will learn how to help their teens to develop healthy social relationships, set proper boundaries, and develop effective communication to build and maintain resilience. Tuesday, July 16, 10-11am
Register here:
Caring for Yourself: Managing Grief and Loss The COVID-19 pandemic and many local national and international events have upended our lives in a myriad of ways. We have experienced losses that may have been stressful and difficult to cope with. This workshop explores ways to learn about and manage our grief and sense of loss, whether it be the loss of a loved one or other pandemic related losses (job, financial security, social connections). This program will also discuss how our children grieve and ways we can better support them. Tuesday, July 23, 10-11am
Register here:
Teens and Screens The ever-increasing presence of technology in teens’ lives presents new opportunities, but not without potential questions and risks. This workshop explores the latest research on the impact of screens. Participants will learn strategies and have opportunities for discussion around how to best manage parenting in this technology-infused world. Tuesday, July 30, 10-11am
Register here:
Parent Support GroupsCome together with other parents to gain support & share the challenges of raising teens. Free and no registration required.
June 17 • 3:30pm
Workshop: School Avoidance
July 11 • 10:00-11:00am |
Grupo Para Padres de AdolescentesTopicos: Comprendiendo a los adolescentes, Adolescentes y el Uso de sustancias, Como comunicarnos claramente con nuestros adolescentes, y mas!
EAC Network Meeting ID: 814 9904 3381 Passcode: 973260 |
Cara W. Sultan
Parent Educator
631-727-7850 x 339
This event is online
Last updated June 13, 2024