The Turf and Integrated Pest Management Specialist is
responsible for providing leadership in the planning, implementing, delivery,
and evaluation of the applied research and extension educational programs the
Pest Management for Suffolk County Properties Program and Turf Fertilizer
Management Program. The Suffolk County County Code Chapter 380 (L.L. 34-1999)
mandated a phase-out of pesticides in County buildings and properties by 2003.
Suffolk County and Cornell Cooperative Extension have since assumed joint
leadership roles in developing and implementing structural and outdoor pest
management programs for Suffolk County-owned properties. The Program aids
Suffolk County in implementing integrated pest management strategies in
situations where pesticides have been reduced or eliminated, providing
diagnoses, training, public outreach, and research and demonstration projects
under Community Advisory Committee (CAC) guidance to further the goals of pesticide-free
buildings and land care practices on Suffolk County-owned properties and in the
County at large.
The Program also provides leadership for the implementing Suffolk County Local
Law 41-2007, addressing water quality through reduction of nitrogen fertilizers
in commercial landscape management. This comprehensive fertilizer educational
program includes educational training to landscape professionals and county
staff, written resources, and one-on-one consultations regarding use of
nitrogen fertilizers. The Specialist also serves as a resource for all
residential, commercial, and agricultural turf management. The target
stakeholders and areas of work include Suffolk County staff and properties –
golf courses, parks, landscapes, county facilities and buildings, highways, and
right-of-ways – as well as residential, commercial, and agricultural sod.
The Turf and Integrated Pest Management Specialist is responsible for
administrative and programmatic supervision of staff, managing available
resources, and assuring accountability requirements are met. The Specialist
represents CCE-Suffolk and the Programs to the public, community leaders,
government officials, and Cornell University along with program and
coordination responsibilities. The Specialist serves under the overall
direction of the Agriculture Issue Leader, seeking input in non-routine
situations. The Turf and Pest Management Specialist will serve as a subject
matter expert to program committees, Cornell Cooperative Extension staff, and
clientele, coordinating work with other agencies and other groups on a local,
regional, and statewide basis.
Required Qualifications:
Preferred Qualifications:
Salary: $60,000-65,000 Salary
Schedule: EXEMPT 40 hours per week
No relocation or VISA Sponsorship available
Last updated December 2, 2024