handful of soil with earthworms

Soil Health is important!

Rain Simulator

Rain simulator for showing why cover crops are important

Lady Bug and Aphids

The Agricultural Stewardship Program monitors the orchards



Agricultural Stewardship Program

Mission: Educate and promote practices that protect water quality, reduce agricultural and environmental concerns, and preserve farm businesses on Long Island.

Goal: Work with farmers to reduce nutrient and pesticide loading from agricultural lands to the ground and surface waters of Suffolk County while maintaining a strong, viable agricultural industry.

Since 2004, the Agricultural Stewardship Program has worked in conjunction with Cornell University faculty and staff, CCE's agricultural specialists, and numerous agricultural and environmental partner organizations to provide the commercial horticultural and agricultural industries a comprehensive resource of research, education, and on-farm demonstration projects. 

Impact: Local research has resulted in the development of improved technologies and increased adoption of best management practices by farmers including the use of controlled/slow-release nitrogen fertilizer (CRNF), cover crops, reduced tillage, and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. 

Field days, workshops, and conferences provide farmers with educational opportunities. By conducting on-farm demonstration projects, we demonstrate the costs and benefits of adopting new technology and best management strategies. These changes will protect the environment while maintaining the agricultural industry's economic viability for generations to come.

Last updated February 7, 2024