Community Gardens, 101 & 102
Community gardens growing a cornucopia of fresh vegetables and fruits are found from the north shore to the south shore of Long Island. What is needed to launch a community garden? What will guide its success in the first year?What will ensure its bounty in years to come?Learn strategies from community gardeners who have experience in starting and maintaining community gardens.
New Community Gardens
A community garden is a wonderful way to support the health and well being of participating members. Learn what you need to know in growing and harvesting organic vegetables through this in-person workshop.Best practices of weeding, watering and maintenance will be explained on site. Bring your trowel and your questions.
Community Garden Troubleshooting
Like other collaborative efforts, community gardens thrive when many are engaged. Discover strategies for recruiting and sustaining members, delegating leadership, addressing maintenance issues, volunteer roles and turnover during this workshop at the garden location. Consider lessons learned from similar community gardens.
The Art of Seed Saving
Whether growing ornamental annuals or tasty vegetables, discover how this year's seeds can be next year's bounty. Save time and money by discovering which of your seeds can be saved for reproducing the same plant in the following season. The differences between heirloom seeds and hybrid seeds will be discussed. Learn when and how to collect.Through hands on demonstrations, explore sorting and processing your seeds. Strategies on proper labeling and storage methods will also be discussed.
Homeowner Landscape Troubleshooting
This is a hands on workshop were participants have the unique opportunity to get direct answers to landscape problems. Participants are encouraged to bring questions and photographs of their problem areas or plants, and one of the Horticultural Consultants from the CCE Diagnostic Lab will personally come and answer all questions.
Propagating Plants
Want more attractive houseplants in your home and perennials in the garden? Discover basic propagation techniques for multiplying your plants through stem and leaf cuttings. Division by root separation will also be discussed. When offered in person, this workshop will include plant material, growing medium and containers for all participants. This workshop is two hours long.
Roxanne Zimmer
Community Horticulture Specialist
631-727-7850 x 215
Last updated October 31, 2023