Shellfish restored by CCE's Aquaculture Program.

Aquaculture Research and Development

Education, applied research and demonstration are a central part of the aquaculture programs at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. Extension Educators work with both private and public culturists in order to help solve problems and increase production. New startup companies are assisted with permit applications and information on what works and what doesn't on Long Island. While the emphasis is on shellfish culture, finfish and miscellaneous aquatic species are also supported.

Applied research projects are carried out with local, state and federal funding. Potential projects are identified through the needs of industry and municipal governments. One example is a project to increase hatchery production of oysters through manipulating lipid levels in broodstock and larvae. Another involves causes and prevention of shellfish disease.

Demonstrating techniques of use to both commercial and noncommercial culturists is an important part of what we do. While demonstration projects are primarily located at the Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center, educators travel throughout the county to work with interested parties. An example is the CCE-designed FLUPSY or Floating Upwelling System, a shellfish nursery in use since 1995. We have presented information on this system locally and nationally; presently both commercial and noncommercial shellfish farmers are using the system.

Shellfish and finfish cultivation has been a part of Suffolk County since the late 1800’s. It is our job to help those practicing aquaculture today solve problems and make “water farming” more profitable in a financial as well as an environmental way.


Gregg Rivara
Aquaculture Specialist / SCMELC Site Director
631-852-8660 x 35

Last updated November 22, 2016