Fisheries Specialist Tara McClintock training a commercial fisherman on eVTR data input

eVTR Training

eVTR 2021

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County has been funded by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to provide education and outreach to New York commercial fishermen across Long Island. The eVTR project will include education and outreach activities that will help New York modernize fisheries dependent data collection, while simultaneously reducing the reporting burden set upon fishermen by simplifying the mandatory reporting process.

In the fall of 2021, New York commercial fishermen will be mandated to utilize an online Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting Software (eVTR) to input trip data on all commercial excursions. Fishermen are required to record data and information pertaining to catch, trip length, dealer information and more to both state and federal management agencies. Traditionally, fishermen have used and submitted paper documents. However, with New York transitioning to electronic reporting to modernize the industry, this project will help to prepare fishermen for the transition to electronic reporting.

For this project, CCE Marine staff will provide training and technical support to an estimated 240 active fishermen on two acceptable methods for electronic reporting: ACCSP’s SAFIS eTrips application, and the NOAA Fisheries Fish Online application. Through outreach and training events, CCE staff will assist fishermen with how to register, use and adopt these eVTR systems. Staff will offer technical support to program participants on an as-needed basis. In addition, CCE will provide 40 iPads for the most highly active fishermen, in order to further incentivize use of the eVTR system.

By reaching and training 240 fishermen this project will help to:

a)Increase timeliness and availability of fisheries data for fisheries managers and policy makers

b)Decrease the burden on fishermen by offering a more time-effective reporting format

c)Increase the accuracy and quality of fisheries data

For more information of the eVTR program, or to sign up for a training by CCE staff, please contact Tara McClintock.


Tara McClintock
Fisheries Specialist
631-727-7850 x 317

Last updated July 18, 2024