Scup GRA(1) fisheries

Scup GRA

Scup GRA(2) fisheries

Scup GRA

Scup GRA(3) fisheries

Scup GRA

Scup GRA

Utilizing Collaborative Strategies to Assess and Adapt Scup Gear Restricted Areas (GRAs) in Response to Climate Change

This project is funded by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC)

This project will implement a collaborative and comprehensive program that will analyze several current data sources using improved modeling approaches for Scup Gear Restricted Areas (GRAs) within the Mid-Atlantic region. We will use a combination of local and industry knowledge, along with economic and community data to translate the predicted spatial distributions of juvenile scup into social and economic outcome measures for alternative spatial closure scenarios. We will develop calibrated scenario analysis to quantify likely changes in fishing costs, catches, or shifts in distributions of fishery benefits arising from representative GRA policy scenarios. This project will also engage the commercial fishing industry with two multi-venue workshops, development of an interactive survey tool and dockside visits throughout the region to collect an all-inclusive industry opinion and fleet behavior relative to current and proposed scup management.

Commercial Fishing Industry input is needed on the current Scup GRAs!

We are collecting industry input on the current Scup GRAs and the impacts they have on small mesh trawl fishermen. Please take a moment to follow this link to take our survey:

CCE will host two multi-venue in-person and virtual workshops to gather the commercial fishing industry’s input on the status of the Scup GRAs. This input will also be used to guide our modeling efforts to show the socioeconomic impacts of the GRAs and potential benefits of changing GRA regulations.

Interactive Mapping Tool:

GRA Modifications

Do you have suggestions for modifications to the current scup GRA boundaries? Follow the link below to submit a design suggestion using the following steps:

  1. Enter your name or your home state
  2. Zoom in on the GRA area you would like to modify. Click on the zig-zag button in the top right corner of the chart display, then click on the chart to draw points. To finish drawing, double click.
  3. Indicate WHEN you would like this change to take place
  4. Please describe WHY you think this change should take place

Scup Bycatch/Discard Hotspots

Please help us identify areas of high scup discard and bycatch using the following link. The steps to do so are as follows:

  1. Please add your name or home state
  2. Identify the species you are targeting when encountering scup bycatch/discard
  3. Identify whether it is an area of bycatch OR discard you would like to identify
  4. Identify the month that it takes place
  5. On the chart, identify the point where you encounter the bycatch/discard. For multiple spots, please submit multiple forms.


Tara McClintock
Fisheries Specialist
631-727-7850 x 317

Last updated February 10, 2025