Image by Britney Accettella, CCE Suffolk

You are now entering the Nature Explore Classroom!

Image by Britney Accettella, CCE Suffolk

There are many areas to climb and run and there's even a slide!

Image by Britney Accettella, CCE Suffolk

Kids can play while learning in the Messy Materials area.

Image by Britney Accettella, CCE Suffolk

The Drawing Slates are always popular.

Image by Britney Accettella, CCE Suffolk

There's a stage to sing and dance and play act.

Nature Explore Classroom

Tucked away on our 250 acre working historic farm, you will find our Nature Explore Classroom, lined with 50 feet tall arborvitaes on one side and flowering cherry trees on the other. Our classroom allows plenty of messy play, building, and interactive art exploration while maintaining a true farm feeling. The herb garden stands adjacent to the 138-year-old hay barn and the sounds of bleating sheep and a braying donkey are never too far off. We hope our visitors will add to the music while adventuring in the music and movement area or simply enjoy the tranquility under our 25-year-old weeping mulberry tree. The climbing area makes guests truly feel like they are in the trees and the gardens will offer a bounty of tasty and nutritious treats. Or visitors can pack their own treats and have lunch in our covered arbor house, as appetites are sure to grow with so much activity!

A nice place to relax is under the mulberry tree.

Last updated June 5, 2020