Bug Hotel

Welcome to the bug Hotel!

A bug hotel or pollinator corner is a structure that provides shelter and nesting sites for insects, such as bees, butterflies, ladybugs, lacewings, and many other beneficial insects. These insects play an important role in the pollination of plants and the control of pests, so providing them with a safe place to live can help to improve the health of your garden.

Bug hotels can be purchased at your local garden center or you can build your own pollinator garden by using some natural materials you may already have around your house. Some great materials you can use include but are not limited to bamboo shoots, dry twigs, pinecones, leaves, pieces of scrap wood and even cardboard. If there are specific insects you are hoping to attract research what materials they may be most attracted to. For example, ladybugs and lacewing’s enjoy hiding in the crevices of pinecones, while solitary bees will seek out the bamboo shoots or the wood scraps with holes in them. Avoid collecting potential food sources like seeds or acorns.

Once you have collected the materials you will use to fill the bug hotel you will need a wooden box or crate (An old drawer can be reused and given new life). Break the materials into smaller pieces so that they will fit in your box, drill small holes in the wood scraps. Then Using a hot glue gun or another form of adhesive secure your materials into the box, You may want to form compartments to help separate materials and give the box structure.

When the hotel is complete find a place in your yard or garden that can be easily observed but not disturbed. 


Last updated August 28, 2023