chickens in the yard

Chicken Ownership Resources

Many people raise chickens in their backyards. We have compiled a list of resources for both new and established chicken owners. There is an article on responsible chicken ownership to help you determine if raising chickens is right for you, and suggested guidelines for raising chicks and chickens. A list of town phone numbers is included to help you determine the legality of owning chickens in your town. We have also created cost estimates for raising chicks and hens on Long Island, and have compiled a list of veterinarians who treat chickens on Long Island. 

Rehoming Roosters: This can be a difficult task, but we recommend utilizing social media, such as the Long Island Chicken Keepers or the Long Island (NY) Rooster Rehoming groups on Facebook. The Suffolk County Farm and Education Center cannot take in any unwanted poultry.

ALERT: A small, non-commercial backyard flock in Suffolk County has tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza. Agricultural experts at CCE-Suffolk are working alongside the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets to distribute information to anyone with backyard flocks or involved in poultry production.

All those involved in poultry production are encouraged to take extra steps to prevent their flocks from becoming infected. All poultry producers, from small backyard to large commercial operations, should review their biosecurity plans and take precautions to protect their birds. These precautions include restricting outdoor access for your birds, only adding birds from reputable sources to your flock, and for poultry owners to avoid interactions with other poultry or wild birds. Poultry biosecurity materials and checklists can be found on the USDA’s “Defend the Flock” website.

For more information, please visit the USDA website:

To report sick birds, unexplained high number of deaths, or sudden drop in egg production, please contact AGM’s Division of Animal Industry at (518) 457-3502 or the USDA at (866) 536-7593.

Please reach out to Kate Perz at with any questions.

You can also watch a recording of our Raising Backyard Chickens Webinar here.


Kate Perz
4-H Animal Science Program Coordinator

Last updated July 15, 2024