Solar Energy

NYSERDA’s Quality Solar Contractors – Find a local solar installer that works with NY-Sun incentives here. Contractors that earn the NYSERDA “Quality Solar Installers” designation consistently meet high standards of quality. Hiring a NYSERDA Quality Solar Installer means you're choosing a contractor that exceeds annual quality assurance criteria established by NYSERDA and consistently provides top tier performance and quality. Additionally, NYSERDA awards Gold Status to solar contractors that achieve the NYSERDA Quality Solar Installer designation for three consecutive years. It awards Platinum Status to those that achieve the NYSERDA Quality Solar Installer designation for six consecutive years.

Community Solar Options with PSEG - Renters, co-op/condo owners, business and homeowners all have an equal opportunity to save money without actually having the solar panels located on your roof through community solar. The energy produced by a large solar project is divided among multiple participating customers, saving everyone money. Private solar companies develop and construct community solar projectsand then residents can subscribe into a project to receive energy credits, which reduce the cost of their own PSEG Long Island electric bill. You can contact a community solar developer to inquire about participation in a project near you right here in Suffolk County! Explore your options here!

Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC) - This federal incentive allows homeowners to get a tax credit for 30% of the cost of their fully installed solar panel system. Expenses include the materials and labor. For example, if solar panels cost $10,000 to purchase and install, the credit will lower your tax bill by $3,000. Due to changes to the federal solar credits in the Inflation Reduction Act, municipalities and not-for-profits can now receive these tax credits (even though they don’t pay taxes) in the form of DIRECT FEDERAL PAYMENTS. The new Investment Tax Credit was increased to 30% for clean energy projects and its bonus credits enables tax-exempt entities to receive up to six bonus credits that could raise the ITC to 70% of the eligible costs of the project’s installation. See chart below. Pre-filing registration is a required electronic process for all entities that intend to make an elective payment election (or those that intend to make a credit transfer). Lawyers for Good Government have created a Pre-Filing Resource Page. Federal solar tax credits can be rolled over for up to two years.


New York State Solar Equipment Tax Credit - Offers a 25% tax credit for fully installed solar panel systems and can be combined with the Federal Solar Tax Credit for even[AR1] greater savings come tax season. Although there is a $5,000 limit on the credit, power purchase agreement (PPA) or leased systems are eligible (unlike with the ITC.) State solar tax credits can be rolled over for up to five years.

NY-SUN - Offers incentives and financing options to lower the cost of purchasing and installing solar at home. NY-SUN solar program offers an affordable solar initiative tailored for households earning less than 80% of the median income in their area. Projects eligible for the Affordable Solar Residential Incentive can receive a total incentive of $0.40/W in the Long Island region.

PSEG Solar Plus Battery Storage – Solar panels produce energy all day whether you need it or not – and can produce a surplus of power. Technological advances in battery energy storage have made it an affordable option to store excess power instead of sending it into the energy grid in exchange for credits. By storing solar energy, you have more control over how and when you use it, with greater benefits than a solar PV system alone.

PSEG Battery Storage Rewards - Enroll in the PSEG Long Island Battery Storage Rewards program - a network of battery storage systems that operate together to alleviate strain on the electricity grid during hot summer days. As a participant in the Battery Storage Rewards Program, you agree to supply power from your batteries to your home or the grid a few times each year—we call these instances an “event”. By participating in these events, you are rewarded with an annual payment. This opportunity is available to residential and commercial customers who install a battery storage system, either alone or along with a Solar PV system.

Everybody Solar – Everybody Solar helps protect the environment and strengthen U.S. communities through solar energy projects by providing solar power to local charities and not-for-profits that help reduce electricity costs and direct their limited resources to the communities they serve.

NYSERDA Affordable Solar and Storage Predevelopment and Technical Assistance – Provides grants up to $200,000 for the implementation and operation of solar and/or energy storage installations benefitting affordable housing and/or community-led solar installations that will offer benefits to low to moderate income households. Grant applicants may include multifamily affordable housing providers, community organizations or agencies, and technical service providers (such as in energy, legal, or finance) working in partnership with any of these entities.

Long Island Solar Road Map - The Long Island Solar Roadmap aims to advance deployment of mid- to large-scale solar power on Long Island in a way that minimizes environmental impacts, maximizes benefits to the region, and expands access to solar energy by identifying low-impact sites for commercial and utility-scale solar arrays and shows their energy generation potential.

NREL: Solar Energy Innovation Network (SEIN) – Helps communities develop transformative approaches to adopting solar energy and seeks to overcome barriers to solar adoption by connecting teams of stakeholders that are pioneering new ideas with the resources they need to succeed. Teams develop their ideas in real-world contexts, yielding results that can unlock tomorrow's solar markets.

Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar – This homeowners guide will help you answer some of the following questions: How does solar work? Is my home suitable for solar panels? How do I start the process? How much power can I generate? Will I save money? Can I get financing? Are there additional state incentives? What will solar impact the resale value of my home? Is solar safe? What are the environmental benefits?

Re-volv – Through a Power Purchase Agreement or solar lease, RE-volv provides solar energy financing for community-serving nonprofits saving them on average 15% or more on their electricity bills across the country. As nonprofits pay back RE-volv, those payments are reinvested in their Solar Seed Fund, a one-of-a-kind, pay-it-forward revolving fund for solar for other nonprofits.

SolarReviews - SolarReviews has verified consumer reviews of almost every solar company nationally. Internal SolarReviews software and manual checks weed out fake reviews written by the companies themselves, as well as false negative reviews written by their competitors.

Solar United Neighbors (SUN) - A non-for-profit, not a solar installer or sales company, SUN’s Solar Help Desk can help you review installer proposals and answer questions like: How much will my solar system cost? Should I install a rooftop or ground mounted system? How can I finance my solar project? How do I choose an installer? What permits and approvals will I need? If you decide that you would like more support, SUN also offers consulting services. They’ll advise and advocate for you throughout the entire process and provide expert, vendor-neutral information to help you understand your options and compare proposals from solar installers.

Suffolk County IDA Enhanced Financial Assistance for Qualifying Solar and Renewable Energy Projects Policy - For new commercial construction or renovations with projects that are installing commercial rooftop solar or other Renewable Energy Systems, the IDA may determine an appropriate Payment - in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) payment level for the entire project based upon such relevant factors, including but not limited to; Total project cost for renewable energy solutions;Cost benefit analysis of the project;Breakeven analysis of the proposed renewable energy solution;Anticipated energy generation from the newly installed system; Government and industry related incentives being utilized for this project; Additional renewable energy solutions being installed. Any Enhanced Benefits will be structured as an optional extension term to the PILOT that the project would be eligible for under the Agency’s Uniform Tax Exemption Policy.

Suffolk County Commercial PACE Program - Suffolk County’s local businesses and not-for-profits can participate in Commercial PACE program. Undertaking a clean energy project can reduce a building’s energy bill, improve its operations, reduce its carbon footprint, and increase property value. EIC NY (PACE) Finance offers low cost, long-term capital for energy-related building improvements that is secured through a benefit assessment lien on the improved property.

Solar Energy: Workforce Development

Communities of Color Building Solar Capacity (CBSC) – This program is created by the People's Solar Energy Fund (PSEF) , a cooperative of BIPOC and low income community organizations working together to build community-led, community-owned solar in their communities and offers training for local groups in "community-owned solar," along with mini-grants, staff support and exploration of project development in your community.

Solar Energy Industry Association (SEIA) - The national trade association for the solar and solar and storage industries, building a comprehensive vision for the Solar future through research, education and advocacy. SEIA fights for policies that create jobs in every community and shape fair market rules that promote competition and the growth of reliable, low-cost solar power. Find current job opportunities in the solar industry with member organizations here.

Solar Energy International (SEI) - With an aim to mitigate climate change, promote sustainable economic growth, and support energy independence, SEI has trained over 100,000+ solar professionals since its founding in 1991. The 6 hour introductory course is free while other more advanced and intensive multiweek online classes can cost between $695 to $895 each and could lead to certification programs in solar systems. Spanish courses are available.


August Ruckdeschel
Clean Energy Coordinator
631-727-7850 x350

Last updated February 6, 2025